I’m excited:

1. that I got the house taxes paid (woohoo!!) and
2. I will be caught up with the mortgage AND
3. I have several nibbles on the 3 remaining pups, AND
4. the ex is coming to collect his stuff tomorrow, AND
5. When I got home I saw that the majestic old Elm tree had fallen down, roots up due to the storms this week (I know that’s NOT the exciting part lol) AND it had avoided the fence that I spent last week repairing to keep my sheep in. Definitely the Hand of the Divine at work there.
6. I do believe I can pay off 2 of the 4 credit cards; oh and the last one
7. I only have to pay 67c on my electric bill!!!

So counting my blessings and SO grateful!


PS On the down side, the Dr thinks I’m this close to pneumonia so I have instructions to take my antibiotics and rest this weekend – no sheep wrangling.